Two types of call for applications are organised as part of the SACRe PhD programme:
– Recruitment of pre-doctoral students (Pre-doctoral call for applications)
Candidates are recruited for one year, after being selected through this call to develop/consolidate a thesis project, find scientific and artistic partners and find funding for their future doctorate. At the end of the year, an ad hoc jury decides whether or not to pursue doctoral studies.
Candidates must have a good level in French (B2 level minimum).
He/she must hold one of the following diplomas attesting a master level.
– Master 2 national diploma
– Diploma conferring the grade of Master or equivalent French or foreign diploma, ;
Candidates who are artists or designers must submit a portfolio attesting a real practice.
Candidates in the 3rd cycle (PhD level) are not authorised to enter a competition in the previous cycles in the same year. They may not compete more than three times for all calls or competitions over several years.
There is no age limit for candidates.
The two eligibility stages are as follows:
– pre-selection by a jury, based on an examination of the applications
– an audition for the shortlisted candidates.
The jury is sovereign and its decisions are définitive
The call for applications will be open from 20/03/2024 to 16/05/2024 and can be downloaded from the Ensad website.
– Recruitment of doctoral students (SACre call for applications)
The call for applications is open to candidates with a Master 2 degree from any higher education institution who wish to undertake practice-based doctoral research.
At the end of the three years, and after the defence of the thesis, the candidate will be awarded the national doctoral diploma (Ph.D).
The call for applications will be open from 20/03/2024 to 13/05/2024 and can be downloaded from the Ensad website.
For further information, please send an e-mail to