
DTM Meeting: Special Research by Textile Design and Matter – March 21

Three young textile designers from ENSAD textile design department will present on the 21st of March at 16h30 their doctoral project in the framework of the Rencontres DTM (amphithéâtre Rodin).

Recherche textile autour du design pour désassemblage par Laetitia Forst.

Recherche textile autour du design pour désassemblage par Laetitia Forst.

Laetitia Forst, currently undertaking a PhD in the Centre for Circular Design, Chelsea College of Arts, UAL will speak about textile design for disassembly. Antonin Mongin and Anna Saint-Pierre, undertaking their PhD within the Soft Matters research group of Ensadlab, ENSAD, will explore how and why textile design processes can contribute to the renaissance of know-how and past inheritances such as hair work craft and rubble. The conference will provide a glance on current methods used in the context of textile design-led research and more largely how textile design-led research is shaped today. Registration required at this link for any person external to ENSAD.