
The book En quête d’images – Écritures sensibles en recherche-création has just been published.

En quête d’images – Écritures sensibles en recherche-création”, co-edited by Anne Bationo-Tillon, Francesca Cozzolino, Sophie Krier and Nicolas Nova, has just been published by Presses du réel. A presentation will take place at ArTeC on October 10.

An epistemological reflection on sensitive forms of research writing at the crossroads of art, design, anthropology and ergonomics, based on singular inquiry-creation projects.

How can we combine social perspectives and sensitive forms? Under what conditions is the hybridization of artistic and scientific practices fruitful? How can research-creation practices be collectivized? How can they explore/document/reconstruct reconfigured worlds? How can research-creation be used to activate encounters, forks in the road and unprecedented experiences?
With a view to epistemological reflection on sensitive forms of research writing at the crossroads of art, design, anthropology and ergonomics, this book documents singular inquiry-creation projects and reveals what goes on behind the scenes. Through the observation and description of actions, protocols, forms and devices, it proposes the emergence of epistemological foundations for thinking and producing research-creation projects. To this end, it also outlines the contours of an experimental scene that makes image-based research a heuristic path to the production of sensitive knowledge.
The book closes with an open-ended primer whose terms invite us to make gestures, engage in protocols and cross-reference methods.

Conceived as an experimental manual, the book activates the exploration of various ways of doing research-creation.

The book brings together contributions from Anne Bationo-Tillon, Anaïs Bloch, Sarah Bouyain, Francesca Cozzolino, Caroline Doutre, FIBRA Collectivo (Lucia Monge, Gabriela Flores del Pozo, Gianine Tabja), Studio Folder (Marco Ferrari, Elisa Pasqual, Alessandro Busi, Aaron Gillett, Claudia Mainardi), Barbara Glowczewski, Emmanuel Grimaud, Sophie Houdart, Sophie Krier, Coralie Maurin, Sandra Nogry, Nicolas Nova, Cédric Parizot, Mélanie Pavy, Kristina Solomoukha, Douglas Edric Stanley, Stéphane Verlet Bottéro, Françoise Wittman.

📍October 10, 2024
Archives Nationales
59 rue Guynemer, 93383 Pierrefitte-sur-Seine

More information on the event

Detailed presentation