
Textile Illumination workshop (29-31 octobre 2018)

Soft Matters welcomes CITA, (Centre for IT & Architecture) for an explorative research workshop within the framework of the “Textile Illumination” project developed with the support of the Institut Français du Danemark.

Light Space: textile illumination symposium organisé par CITA & Soft Matters à KADK, Copenhague, le 14 septembre 2018. Crédits: Anna Saint Pierre

Light Space: textile illumination symposium organisé par CITA & Soft Matters à KADK, Copenhague, le 14 septembre 2018. Crédits: Anna Saint Pierre

This third event, upon invitation, is dedicated to the exploration of light-emitting textiles based on biotechnological principles and their materialization through a collection of textiles swatches addressing an architectural context.