
PATRINNOV – The changing relationship with cultural heritage

Presentation of “PATRINNOV” by the research team that conducted this study, a project funded by the Labex Industries Culturelles et Création Artistique (ICCA), of which EnsadLab is a co-founding member.

When? January 24, 10am to 1pm
Where ? EnsadLab, room 308

As part of the Labex ICCA 2023-2024 call for projects, the PatrInnov research was initiated in collaboration with EnsadLab to explore the transformation of the relationship between the public and cultural heritage. We invite you to join us for a discussion between researchers and professionals in museography and cultural mediation, as well as researchers and doctoral students working on cultural heritage and inclusive and digital mediation. The meeting will be based on analytical data visualization derived from the study of public usage at the Louvre Museum, the Château des Ducs de Bretagne, and Userlab for the Dobrée Museum.

Registration and inquiries: direction.recherche@ensad.fr

All Labex ICCA news here