
Guillemette Legrand at the MESH Festival: When Art, Technology and Anthropology meet

Guillemette Legrand took part in the festival MESH, organized by the HEK (Haus der Elektronischen Künste/ House of Electronic Arts), the HGK (Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst FHNW/ University of Art) and iart ag (Studio for Media Architecture) in Basel, Switzerland, from October 16 to 20. Prior to the event, she co-organized a conversation at the Critical Media Lab with anthropologist Marisol de la Cadena and researchers Gabriela Aquije, Lilo Viehweg and Roberta Burchardt. At the festival, she presented her research as part of the “Imagination as a Site of Struggle” panel through a performance reading, evoking the tensions between disciplines based on an encounter with a climatologist. She also screened a film tour of “Spectral Plain”, a game exploring the limits of algorithms and random technologies.

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